What are the Signs Your Hot Water System Needs Replacing?

What are the Signs Your Hot Water System Needs Replacing?

Your hot water system is one of the most crucial parts of your home. You want to keep it working well so that you and your family can stay comfy and clean. Here are a few ways to tell that you might need a new hot water system:

6 Signs that Your Hot Water System Needs Replacing

1.     Age of Your System

Like everything else in your home, replacing your hot water systems needs to be done after some time. Typically, a hot water system will last 7-12 years, depending on how it is used and maintained. The working life of your hot water system can be influenced by:

  • How many people use it
  • Water quality in your home (hard water which is very common in Perth will reduce the lifespan of your unit)
  • How often the system is serviced and cleaned

In any case, if your hot system is close to 10 years old, then it is time to consider replacing it.

2.     Your Water Isn’t Hot

The hot water coming out of the tap is the most important part of your hot water system. Unfortunately, there is several parts that wear down over time, if the water isn’t as hot as it once was, this could be an indication the system is due to be serviced or it may need to be replaced.

3.     Your Water Smells Bad, or It’s the Wrong Colour

We all know what water is supposed to look like. It’s not brown or orange, and it shouldn’t have a smell! Rust, corrosion, or a build-up of bacteria in your heating unit can cause strange colours and odours coming out of your taps. If the smell and colour of your water aren’t what they should be, it is time to consider having a professional assess your system.

4.     Your Unit is Noisy

Most hot water systems are relatively quiet. However, sediment build-ups and scale deposits around heating elements can create unexpected sounds while heating the water. If your hot water system is banging, hissing, or popping, it might be time to look at replacing it.

5.     Your Tank Leaks

Your water system is supposed to contain the water in your home. However, over and above a broken hot water system, pools of water in your home are a serious safety concern. If there are droplets or puddles under your hot water system, it is time to replace it.

6.     Your Energy Bills Go Up

Reduced energy efficiency is a sign that your hot water system is not working well. If your energy bills increase without another explanation, it might be time to consider replacing your hot water system.

In Summary

If you’re experiencing any of these 6 signs and symptoms, it might be time to consider replacing your hot water system. Call the trained and warrantied professionals at Ember Plumbing for an assessment: 0477 777 301

Extended Warranty
2 Years Extended Warranty on all Rheem & Vulcan Hot Water Systems

Ember Plumbing & Gas is happy to provide an extended warranty on all Rheem & Vulcan products installed from 1st August 2022 onwards.

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FREE $55 removal and disposal voucher with every hot water system install

Ember Plumbing is proud to always offer FREE removal and display of your old Hot Water System with every new install. No Conditions or Terms.