How to Tell if There is a Problem with Your Gas Line

Gas Systems Perth

Natural gas lines are essential for delivering fuel to your home, but they can also pose serious risks if they develop problems or leaks. It’s crucial that homeowners understand how to identify and address potential issues with their gas lines. Let’s discuss common signs there is a problem with your gas line, what to do if you suspect a leak or issue, and tips for maintaining your gas line safely.


One of the most noticeable signs of a gas line problem is the smell of natural gas. Natural gas has an odorant called mercaptan added to it, which gives it a distinct rotten egg smell. If you notice this smell near your gas appliances or anywhere in your home, it could indicate a gas leak and you should act immediately.

Hissing Sounds

Another indication that there may be an issue with your gas line is hearing a hissing sound near your gas appliances or at the point where the gas line enters your home. This sound typically indicates that there is a leak in these areas, so it’s important to locate and repair the issue promptly.

Higher Gas Bills

If you notice an increase in your gas bill without any changes in usage patterns or rates, it could be an indication that there’s a problem with your gas line, possibly due to leaks using up extra fuel. Monitor your bills closely and compare them to what you’ve paid in the past before jumping to conclusions, but be aware that unexpected increases could point to a potential issue.

Dead or Dying Vegetation

A less obvious sign of a potential problem with your gas line can manifest in the vegetation around your property. If you see dead or dying plants near the location of your underground gas line, it may be due to leaking natural gas killing the roots of plants in the area.

Bubbles in Puddles and Wet Ground

Gas leaks can cause the ground to become saturated with gas, which can then cause bubbles in water-producing puddles and damp spots on the ground. Look out for these unusual signs as they can point to a fault in your gas line.

Air Bubbles in Paint or Wallpaper

When gas leaks into the walls of your home, it can become trapped beneath paint or wallpaper, causing air bubbles to form. Inspect your walls for signs of bubbling or sudden colour changes, as these could be indications that there’s an issue with your gas line.

What to do if you suspect a gas leak or issue

  1. Leave Your Home: If you suspect there’s a problem with your gas line, evacuate all occupants from your home immediately.
  2. Don’t Touch Electrical Equipment: Avoid turning any electrical equipment on or off, as doing so can create sparks that could ignite leaking gas.
  3. Call for Help: Contact your local utilities company and emergency services (fire department) right away for assistance in handling the situation and resolving any issues that may be found.
  4. Don’t Re-enter Your Home: Wait until you’ve been told it’s safe by professionals before returning to your property.


Tips for maintaining your gas lines safely

  1. Annual Inspections: It’s a good idea to have a professional like Ember Plumbing and Gas inspect your gas lines annually to ensure they’re in good working order and free from damage.
  2. Know the Location of Your Gas Lines: Make sure you’re aware of where your underground gas lines are located to prevent accidental damage when digging or performing other outdoor projects.
  3. Repair Aging Gas Lines: If you know that you have older pipelines, consider having them inspected and replaced before they become a potential hazard.
  4. Maintaining Appliances. Maintaining appliances is crucial for gas leak prevention, ensuring the safety and well-being of both individuals and property. Regular inspection and servicing and upkeep of gas-powered devices, such as stoves, water heaters, and furnaces, can help identify any potential leaks or malfunctions before they escalate into a hazardous situation.

Being aware of the warning signs associated with gas line issues can help ensure that you take swift action in addressing potential leaks. If you suspect a problem with your gas line, always prioritise safety and contact professionals like Ember Plumbing and Gas to assess and resolve the situation.

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