What shortens the life of a hot water system?

Lady worried about hot water system not working

Water Quality

One of the main culprits of the shortened life of a hot water system is water quality. Hard water is a common problem that can lead to troublesome mineral buildup in the tank and other components of the system. This mineral buildup can lead to corrosion and end up reducing the system’s efficiency, causing it to break down more quickly. Softening the water or adding a chemical treatment to your hot water system can help prevent this.

Overworking the System

Running hot water for an extended period can strain the tank. Using excessive amounts of hot water can lead to the water heating up again, causing additional stress on the system. Energy-efficient hot water systems often have built-in mechanisms to prevent overworking, such as a timer or auto shut-off function. But either way, this is the reason to keep your teens from taking those super long showers.

Poor Maintenance

Poor maintenance is the biggest culprit of hot water system breakdowns. Regular maintenance by a plumbing professional identifies issues before they become serious problems. It’s essential to have your hot water system serviced annually.


A hot water system is an essential part of every home. To ensure that your system lasts as long as possible, be aware of what contributes to a shortened lifespan, like water quality, overworking the system, and poor maintenance.

Taking proactive steps to prevent these issues, such as softening the water and having the system serviced annually, avoids costly breakdowns and ensures that you have hot water when needed.

Call Ember Plumbing for regular annual service or an assessment to see which model is best for your home on 0477777301 or contact us today for all your Perth plumbing needs.


Extended Warranty
2 Years Extended Warranty on all Rheem & Vulcan Hot Water Systems

Ember Plumbing & Gas is happy to provide an extended warranty on all Rheem & Vulcan products installed from 1st August 2022 onwards.

Guaranteed Offer
FREE $55 removal and disposal voucher with every hot water system install

Ember Plumbing is proud to always offer FREE removal and display of your old Hot Water System with every new install. No Conditions or Terms.